Transformations: dT=dt*Q(t), U_x=u ->u_T=f''(u)u_x,f(u)=1/(1+u^2)^{1/2}, v_T=v v_x - Hopf equation, where v=f'(u). The well-known solution of Hopf equation is v=g(x+vT) where g - any function.
Hello Meguenni Bouhadjar, Why don't you solve the PDE with an explicit finite difference scheme such as
u(xi,tj+dt) = u(xi, tj) + Q(tj)/sqrt[1 + k2]
where k = (u(xi+dx, tj)- u(xi-dx, tj))/(2dx) . The time increment should be kept very small to ensure stability. Also you need to specify the initial condition (values of u) at time t = 0. The time increment dt is related to the spatial increment dx. However, the relationship between dt and dx can only be determined from a stability analysis which can be a difficult task for this nonlinear PDE.