hello, I am master degree researcher from South Korea.

I made some materials following another researchers.

But unfortunately, my reaction needs DMSO for solvent.

as you know, DMSO has very high BP(around 180oC, as I know of).

I used vaccum rotary evap to evaporate DMSO but I failed.

also I used vaccum oven around 120oC, it has failed too.

finally I precipitated mixture with poor solvent, but it still had some traces of DMSO.

The reason why I've been trying to get rid of DMSO out of my sample is to get solid state of it.

The trace make it very sticky liquid state so it's hard to applicate anywhere else.

My sample is very soluble in water, so I doubt water-wash can extract DMSO from my sample.

How can this get done?? Please give me some advices.

and sorry for my poor english skills :(

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