To make easier the interpretation of the age in the otoliths of horse mackerels, these are immersed in a mixture of glycerin and alcohol. After that, otoliths become dehydrated and I would like to know how I can keep them for further readings.
You can find some useful information in (STEVENSON, D.K. and S.E. CAMPANA [ed]. 1992. Otolith microstructure examination and analysis. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 117: 130 pp)
I was informed by my senior collegue Dr. Mohsen Hussaini in KISR who has vast experience, U should keep them in dessiccation bags (keep away from moisture) is the best way.
For large otoliths like is common with marine fishes, dry preservation is recommended; but for smaller and delicate otoliths as found in fresh water fishes, preservation in ethanol is recommended.