Please I need explanation on how to determine the parameters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) of the Chinese trunk track irregularity power spectral density function from experimental data using the nonlinear least square optimization of MATLAB.
You can use nonlinear least-square only if you know the general structure of the spectral density function in advance. For example, consider you have "y" array as experimental data related to spectral density and u1, u2, and u3 arrays are the experimental data related to system inputs and you want to define y as a multi-variable function of them (there is no limitation in the number of defined inputs). Also, consider your function is in the following form:
y = A + B*sin(C*u1) + D*(u2)^E + F*exp(G*u3)
So such a code can estimate your required parameters: (The "p" vector has seven elements because you have seven parameters to be estimated)
You can replace "1" values in the elements of par0 with any better starting points of estimation if you have. Increasing the number of iterations of "for" loop is effective for increasing the accuracy up to a particular limit for each estimation which can be reduced by choosing better starting points.
What are you exactly trying todo::you work for the chinese gov or what?
-Chinese Trunk Track Irregularity??? Never heard of it.
-Non Linear Least Square Optimization never heard of it.
You are loosing too much time with that matlab TimeIsBaraka.
-> well i am working on the hyperbolic space for space jump and using only PI for it. And watching BattleStarGalaktika on my own version of iMovie build with HTMLCSSJS.