I want to investigate the stability of sandpile under shear motion. I simulated this sandpile using molecular dynamic simulation; but I don't know what quantities I should calculate?
I never worked with granular systems. But I think you can do as follows: freeze some spheres, use the wall in different conditions and change the gravity orientation. And analyze the motion limit criteria.
In case you are close to the jamming transition (i.e. high densities) there are further dynamic properties that can be analyzed. This paper might be a good start to read:
Hello! If you are talking of the stability of the sandpile you have to look at the angle of repose, this is the main parameter that you can characterise the stability of the sandpile. I mean the stability of the sandpile emerges thanks to some parameters related with the friction between grain-grain, grain-floor and the structure of the granular system (i.e. how it was created). You can relate these parameter with the calculation of the angle of repose. I think starting with a simulation with spherical grains is a good approximation. Best regards