I want to do my own program for svm classification for power system security classes. So already fisheriris is present as a sample program in statistics toolbox. I got result by going in that way.
I am unable to understand what is cover's theorem.
1- If you don't have the required Matlab toolbox, you may use free svm toolboxes available online. I would recommend libsvm at: "http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/".
Maybe you want to implement SVM, yourself. I would not recommend that. It could be a very complicated optimization problem and may do not converge well. Anyway you can take a look at:
It simply says that if you map the data samples (which can not be separated by linear borders, i.e. they are not linearly separable) into another space with higher dimensions, the data samples with different labels "will" be separable by linear discriminating borders (hyper-planes) in the "probability sense" (i.e. when new dimensions go to infinity, the data samples with different labels are linearly separable with probability of 100%).
This mapping is not done explicitly. It is done implicitly (i.e. not really) using Kernel trick.
1- If you don't have the required Matlab toolbox, you may use free svm toolboxes available online. I would recommend libsvm at: "http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/".
Maybe you want to implement SVM, yourself. I would not recommend that. It could be a very complicated optimization problem and may do not converge well. Anyway you can take a look at:
It simply says that if you map the data samples (which can not be separated by linear borders, i.e. they are not linearly separable) into another space with higher dimensions, the data samples with different labels "will" be separable by linear discriminating borders (hyper-planes) in the "probability sense" (i.e. when new dimensions go to infinity, the data samples with different labels are linearly separable with probability of 100%).
This mapping is not done explicitly. It is done implicitly (i.e. not really) using Kernel trick.