I have a differential equation

 uddot=- ( b1*u+b2*udot+b3*u^2*udot+b4*udot^3+b6*u^3)/(m+ b5*udot^2)

With initial condition as follows 

u(t=0)=2/(-b3/b2-b1b4/mb2)^0.5    and      udot(t=0)=0,    

uddot and udot are used for the double and single derivative of u.

Where as b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6 and m are extracted from experimental results. I used ODE23 solver of Matlab to solve the differential equation. Some time it either does not generate a solution or generate a non periodic solution while required solution must be periodic.

Hence, I want to obtain the condition for the solution of above differential equation so that it always produces a desired periodic solution.

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