I'm using antennaDesign tool box of Matlab to design a insetfed Microstrip antenna. Now I want to compare the results with the same antenna, but with a PBG substrate. How can I do this?
This example shows how to create and analyze microwave planar Photonic Band Gap (PBG) structures in Antenna Toolbox™. Photonic Band Gap structures consist of a periodic lattice which provides effective and flexible control of the Electromagnetic wave propagation in one or multiple directions. Microwave planar PBG structures were first introduced around the year 2000 by Prof. Itoh and his group. These structures create a stop band over a certain frequency range and are easy to implement by cutting periodic patterns on the metal ground plane. https://in.mathworks.com/help/antenna/ug/modeling-planar-photonic-band-gap-structure.html