Currently, several studies reported significant educational benefits for employing different digital pedagogies in student learning in online learning. What types can be used or design? What are the benefits or disadvantages?
In my online classes, I use the discussion forums to promote critical thinking. I tell the students that they must address not just the "what" of the question, but the "why." I ask them to show how this new information connects to what they already know. I use a grading rubric that rewards thoughtful comments, i.e. critical thinking. I give them tutorial information on reflective thinking at the beginning of the semester.
It is highly appreciated for sharing your experiences about how this phenomenon is working and why you are empowering your students. We need to accommodate the digital natives in our classes whether contact or cloud. This is an e-visibility platform we can use effectively.
I will echo and add to some of the responses provided above.
Case studies are a great way of extending your students thinking and problem solving skills. They provide a relevant context to the subject matter (and it may even be a case study of something that directly impacts on their lives - ie air quality in urban centres, or agricultural pollution, sewage treatment, water quality etc). Case studies enable you to empower them to ask the deeper question of the "why", and the "what if", or "if this happens then what are the consequences", or "if this is happening and we change this other thing what will happen" - part of the problem with engaging students who are digital natives is the whole cut-and-paste "let's ask Google what the answer is. In order to truly have your students engage in higher order thinking then the task needs to be structured in a way that prevents them being able to provide you with easy, copiable answers.