Assessment is often cited as the weakest link of Competency-Based Education (CBE). What all can improve the assessment metrics as assessment potentially drives training...
Employing proactive learners will ensure that your talent seeks out people or experiences that will help them remain ahead of the curve for career advancement and promotion. Competency-based learning is thus the actions that individuals take to support their continued Learning and Development.
Such actions may include learning from exemplary performers and enrolling in certification programs. Competency-based training thus differs in the sense that it is initiated by organizations to help talent match profiles of highly-successful performers and develop greater competence in employees
Assessment should not be seen as an end in itself but a means to an end. Therefore in competency Based training it should inform the instructions of training and offer a way for improving the training itself so that there is less of failure and incompetency in those who are trained. Besides, to the trainee ought to understand that the assessment is one way of making her/him a better trained person who can easily fit in the world of work upon completion. Thus the question is how far is the training and its assessment aligned with the world of work. Hopefully the training is as close as possible with the real world of work.
By using walk/walking as a metaphor for topics educators deal with, and it is not the walk itself that is the point but how aware we can make the trainee of the process that leads to him or her attaining walking skills/competencies.
Dreyfus and Dreyfus point out that not all people will become experts on all topics or doings. They even make a point out of “… when holistic concrete experience is decomposed and transformed into rules, a great deal of its content is lost” (1988, s. 180). Therefore, it is, of great importance that educators are aware of this. Educators can be experts in walking as they present to the students, but educators cant, only boil it down to behavioristic or cognitive rules and procedures. Then the student will never have a chance of becoming a context-free and intuitive expert at walking and construct possibilities around walking.
Simple. You must have absolute direct alignment among expected outcomes and the critical variables learners need to learn and retain aligned with each outcome, what abilities students much achieve and retain for each ability consistent with must-learn content, and individual test items along the way to monitor student mastery of each piece of content and each ability for each piece of content and then doing so outlines the test items that are appropriate at each step along the process. Only one program offers this level of direct alignment among all variables. Anything less than that will have people a hundred years from now asking your same question. For example, did you know there are actually at least nine types of 'application' abilities? Did you know that for some of these abilities, students need a separate but mandatory set of procedures in order to execute the application ability? Did you know that 'comparing' is neither a high or low-level ability, but that if students don't know the steps on how to compare, they will never become skilled comparers of anything?
Debemos de establecer parámetros, desde el punto de vista que estamos en un mundo globalizado, la educación se debe de basar en competencias, todos competimos a todo nivel, el estudiante debe de estar preparado para competir y salir adelante, no solamente en una materia sino debe de prepararse indispensablemente en la vida social e intelectual, que son los dos ejes principales para rendir bien en este mundo.
if the learned practices are to be accomplished adequately, competency-based approaches are required. There are many instances of competency-based CBT, especially in aviation and ship driving that have been demonstrated to be reliable predictors of future performance. With the added functionality that includes the ability to use multiple types of sensors beyond vision and hearing and the ability to emulate consequences from actions, CBT has become a more powerful tool for competency-based assessment. In general these requisites are needed: 1. the appropriate level of engagement of the learner to emulate the reality in which the learner will ultimately perform; 2. ensuring emulation of environmental variables that will help discriminate between those who can perform and those who need more interventions, 3. ensuring the emulated consequences are similar to those the learner will be expected to encounter in reality, 4, embedding scoring parameters that are matched to the risk associated with taking a right or wrong action (including weighted scoring and debit scoring based on the amount of risk added by the learner taking a wrong action), 5. appropriate variation in testing to emulate the need to adapt the competency to other performance contexts, and 6. multiple testing of the learner so that the reliability of the learner to perform can be based on multiple measurements rather than on one or a few. CBT like this has been used for decades . A final word: competency-based assessment cannot normally be done using text-based testing unless the competency directly involves text-based actions.
You can improve on the assessment of competenc based learning by giving the trainees standardized task to do and observe them keenly as they perform the task step by step. At each step, note what each candidate does and how well such is accomplished. Assess all the trainees using same yardstick. That way, you will be able to improve on the assessment. Secondly, you can do it via problem based learning or project learning methods. In this case, students or trainees are given a practical task to perform while the teacher watches them doing so by themselves. This way, the facilitator can be able to tell if learning has taken place based on their practical performance. Thanks!
If the CBT Program use Work Competency Standard applicable in your country or in international level, the assessment of performance indicators in the standard can be used for your purpose