Hello genius,

As described in the question, here are details about my problem.

What kind of training process do I expect?

Currently, the data set has n*3 dimensional inputs and n*4 dimensional outputs. I am expecting to train a svm classifier that can find out an entry's label(s) SIMULTANEOUSLY when inputs are given (like ANNs).

What have I tried and found?

I have tried OVR in scikit learn and svm_rank. However, OVR in scikit learn does not allow the training with multiple outputs. svm_rank requires query ID and target value, which are difficult for me to obtain. Since I can not tell which label is better. Binary relevance does not seem to be a good idea for my limited data set.

I have searched SVC as well, but I am a bit concerns about the reality of SVC prediction.

What do I need?

I need a SVM classifier that can find out an entry's label(s) SIMULTANEOUSLY when inputs are given (like ANNs).

Build my own svm is the last thing that I want to do. Thank you so much for your sharing.

Best regards,

A desperate non-CS student

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