Last week expert Austin Ruse President/C-Fam, Editor & Publisher/Friday Fax ( raised the alert that the UN is negotiating a new hard-law treaty that will make Church teachings crimes against humanity.

How could this possibly be?

Here’s how he explained it.

" UN Member States are now negotiating a new hard-law treaty on “crimes against humanity.” These are generally regarded as those crimes that offend all of humanity, such as the genocide of the Jews by the Germans during World War II.

The new treaty very well may include the following:

“Sexual orientation and gender identity”


“Forced pregnancy”

Please knew we oppose all unjust discrimination against those with same-sex attraction. However, we cannot support the idea that opposing “sexual orientation and gender identity” as a new “crime against humanity.” This would criminalize the teachings of the Church.

We faced the notion of “forced pregnancy” when the International Criminal Court was negotiated twenty years ago. In the hands of the left, “forced pregnancy” means that a woman cannot get an abortion.

Working with UN Member States twenty years ago, we got it defined as the repeated rape of a woman for the purposes of changing the demographic profile of a country, literally holding a woman prisoner until she gives birth.

But, the left is back again and they want to insert “forced pregnancy” into the new treaty but without a definition so they can define it later against the unborn child.

This is how the new treaty will criminalize the teachings of the Church. And this is why we oppose this new language, and why we need your help."

I think that it is a problem for all humanity, it is not only a problem for catholics like myself. It seeks to force pro-abort legislation in all countries that have some protection for the unborn. If this UN treaty is approved, besides multiplying the number of aborts, many more women would be dangeroulsy wounded in their feminity because the post-abort syndrom, and beside the problems of an aging population would increase without limit. This is really irresponsably encouraging an inhumane behavior. For what use is the UN today?

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