Please help me take a look at my predefined gravity application. I applied the gravity in Y axis, but the contour plots illustrate it in Z axis. Please refer to the attached graph.
Thank you very much for answering my question. The model is a 3 D semi cylinder model, its radius is 10 m, its height is 20 m. A clay layer (No 1) overlies a silt layer (No 2), each has a thickness of 10 m. Yes I typed in the gravity stress magnitudes obtained from computation, then applied it vertically along the Y axis direction (please refer to the second attachment).
I am not studying the gravity field, the applied geostatic stress is just an initial stress condition in my further researching the deep dynamic compaction effect..
Could you please have a look at the second attachment, and provide me a detailed answer?
Hi Hasan, thank you for your attention and answer. As I know that there are two ways to apply the gravity stress in Abaqus, one is by applying the gravity load as an independent step, another is by the predefined gravity application, which is used in the initial step only. For the first situation your suggestion is applicable. I have applied the second situation, and just have the wrong stress direction produced by the gravity, it should be in Y direction, but now I got it in Z direction. Please look at my second attachment above. I appreciated your help. David