30 May 2023 3 2K Report

Hey guys,

I need your help. I am trying to create a work schedule model for nurses. I'm making good progress so far, but I'm failing with two constraints. I have the variable $x_{ijk}$ which indicates if a doctor $i$ works the shift $k$ on day $j$, it takes the value 1 if he works there. $x_{ij}$ indicates if doctor $i$ works on day $j$. The index goes from $i;j;k \into \{1,...,I;J;K\}$.

I now want to model the following:

1) A nurse must work at least $K_{min}$ days at a stretch. My suggestion would be: \sum_{t=j}^{t+K_{max}}y_{ij}\le K_{max}~\forall i\in I, j\in \{1,\ldots,\mid J\mid -K_{max}\}

2) A nurse may work a maximum of $K_{}$ days at a stretch.

3) A break between work sequences must always be exactly 2 days. How do I model that? As a mathematical formulation

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