Hi friends, I have this sample program and I want to give EEG input signal for this. Can you please tell me how to give the input and if possible provide me the EEG data also. Because i don't know how to get the data. somewhere I have seen, it is nearly 6-7 GB is there.please help me in this issue. Thank you
function [W, S] = ica(X)
% ICA Perform independent component analysis.
% [W, S] = ica(X);
% where X = AS and WA = eye(d) and [d,n] = size(X) (d dims, n samples)
% Implements FOBI algorithm.
% JF Cardoso (1989) "Source separation using higher order moments", Proc Intl Conf Acoust Speech Signal Process
[d, n] = size(X);
% Subtract off the mean of each dimension.
X = X - repmat(mean(X,2),1,n);
% Calculate the whitening filter.
[E, D] = eig(cov(X'));
% Whiten the data
X_w = sqrtm(pinv(D))*E'*X;
% Calculate the rotation that aligns with the directions which maximize fourth-order correlations.
% See reference above.
[V,s,u] = svd((repmat(sum(X_w.*X_w,1),d,1).*X_w)*X_w');
% Compute the inverse of A.
W = V * sqrtm(pinv(D)) * E';
% Recover the original sources.
S = W * X;