The responses should consider the usage of Landsat imagery to derive ecosystem services such as crop production and pollination, water yield, habitat modeling, carbon, amongst others within a tropical savanna agroecological zone.
Seems to be lots of reviews on remote sensing of ecosystem services! Will add a few here. Landsat highly applicable as land cover frequently used in ES characterization. Plus, Landsat enables monitoring, so change over time can be incorporated. Best of fortunes with your research!
Article Potential contributions of remote sensing to ecosystem servi...
Article Spatial data, analysis approaches, and information needs for...
Data Additional tabular listing of methods by ecosystem service -...
ecosytems services or benefits obtained by people from nature, are different from ecosystem to another (forest, grasslands, aquatic,....etc), so you can use remote sensing to quantify the potential of ecosystem : example : surface of the forest or grassland and according to this information you can evaluate the benefits (quantity or quality).
I recently reviewed the ecosystem service literature for tropical East Asia. The references include studies using remote sensing, but I also point out that many ES cannot be assessed from space.