Here's a good example that worked on how to create a transformative learning experience in the curriculum:
I have also used the asynchronous team debate to create this transformation among higher education students in tacking topical issues relating to their courses with much success:
Conference Paper Debating: A Dynamic Teaching Strategy for Motivating Student...
I would say It is worth considering to incorporate ' transformative learning' approach in today's teaching and learning. As to your question, I would say yes. Transformative learning can be embedded in most social sciences fields, including bushiness curriculum and if it is properly designed and carried out, it will definitely maximize outcomes. The most common transfromative learning curriculum/pedagogy is the one well-designed and advocated by Jack Mezirow in 1970s and refined later in 80s and 90s. You may find its applicability in business and management in the name of "critical management education". For a detail of transformative learning pedagogy, you may also refer to the works of the late Brazilian philosopher-Paolo Friere- known for his famous "critical pedagogy", and may be the late Italian Antonio Gramsci's work is also relevant to apply transformational curriculum as he wrote detail about 'Hegemony", which is a buzz word that needs deep scrutiny in business/management/economics studies. At the end, I strongly do believe that transformational learning can be best utilized with to some extent an understanding of learning theories such as "social constructivism".
If you put your email here, I would be glad to share you some materials.
Hi, I am the Vice-President of Macau Curriculum Research Institute and was in position to coordinate the curriculum reform project between 1997 and 2003, and as project manager of a tertiary education database project during 2007-2009.
Some focal points may be helpful if you have formal institutional agreement within you faculty's members, then the Academic Council of the University.
Questions to address:
1.Rationale or philosophy or mission statement of the curriculum (What do the words 'Business', 'transformation', and 'learning' mean? What is the value-add of this curriculum? Why this curriculum is unique and non-replaceable?)
2.Interesting outcome for student (ie What sector of business can your graduates practice? Any license needed for practitioner ? Does the Diploma get accreditation or recognition of World wide professional institution(s) -Banking? CFO? Will the intended curriculum (only one course?) refer to competence scheme like O*net, 21st century skills, AMA, ... show? Does this curriculum know who are/will be the student(s)?)
3.Scope of curriculum area (What is the professional body of the knowledge your institutional program intended to cover? financial? accounting? marketing? e-commerce? facility management? land governance? general management? Will you involve international peer-reviewer(s) to define and design the body of knowledge? Will you care for the HR agents or employers needs?)
4.Objective(s) of the curriculum (Try using 2 to 3 lines to state clear what were consensus in 1 to 3)
5.How to delivery the curriculum? (Who is going to be the teacher/instructor? When and how long the curriculum(a)/course(s) will them/it take(s)? Where will the learning happen? (On-line video broadcast plus self learning with tutoring sections, or hybrid-online learning with face-to-face class discussion? PBL or lecturing? Internship, enterprise visiting, and case study? What textbook or teaching materials will the curriculum adopt to assure the knowledge quality of the curriculum?)
6.How to assess the learning outcome of an individual? (Computer aided testing package(s)? simulation? exam of knowledge? personal or group report? attendance rate? engagement in class or virtual class or performance in on-the-job learning? recruit rate of graduates? award of business innovation competition?)
7.How do you know your student is "transforming"? (Does this program/curriculum/course diagnose the in-take status of learner and measure the outcome of the curriculum?)