11 November 2019 1 6K Report

Recently, I was exposed to the idea of incoming (middle school) band students initially learning more advanced scales. For instance, the key of C is typically the first key signature taught. Coincidingly, it's also considered one of the easiest keys to play in. Conversely, the key of B is considered one of the more difficult. If entry level students were started off playing in the key of B, would these roles reverse? Would B become "easy" and C become "hard?" What are the long-term implications in regards to musical skill set. Similarly, if students were first exposed to a "more difficult time signature" (for example: cut time) would they struggle to read "easy time signatures" (say 4/4)? If anyone knows of long-term studies (following students throughout several years to see the progression of their musical skill set) please let me know!

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