MUSE headbands employ four electrodes and read EEG brainwaves. I am wondering if the devices are logistically feasible for field research, and what challenges researchers have encountered during data collection.
Hi Stephen, I have used the MUSE system for lectures a few times, and also considered using it for experimental research. However, as expected the data quality is not comparable to standard EEG recordings. This is mainly because some of the electrodes might not be placed tightly enough on the scalp as they are fixed to the form of the headband. Another issue is the homogenous placement of the headband on different subjects, and ensuring it stays in position during experimental setups. I decided not to use the MUSE system for experiments due to these reasons. However for educational purposes it is quite nice given its really short preparation time and easy setup. Hope this is of help. Kind regards.
Minimising electrode movement, and maintaining electrode contact (and impedance/offset) to ensure data quality are going to be the most difficult challenges that you face with mobile EEG.
If you are looking for wireless EEG solutions, a number of the "traditional" large companies (BrainProducts and Compumedics both come to mind) have solutions (LiveAmp and Siesta).
There are also some more affordable "consumer" options like the products from Emotiv, which I know have had some research into their utility (Khushaba et al., 2013; Article Consumer neuroscience: Assessing the brain response to marke...
Hello, I am a engineering education researcher and I am wondering if MUSE permit to download the taken data as a CSV file and which one is going to be recommended for you to be used in education research?