I was looking for codes to generate time series NPP and GPP from Landsat images using Google Earth Engine. I am aware of the MODIS product. But I don't know about Landsat. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
You better use this R script from this link (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/407873/generating-gpp-and-npp-from-landsat-images-using-google-earth-engine-javascript). As for me, you better download and use this link (https://zenodo.org/record/3996814#.YrcWNnZBzrc), which is global NPP data computed from LUE model.
Addisu Damtew Atnafe@ thanks for your reply. I was actually looking for Codes where Landsat used the MODIS algorithm/equations (not a different algorithm such as the land use model based that you have shared). Regarding the R code that you shared, it actually contains incomplete codes/algorithms.