Hi everyone.

I am a student learning how to use Gaussian.

I have been trying to run optimization-to-minimum calculation in S1 state for methane molecule. However, looking at the electronic occupancy from the .log file, electronic configuration seems like the computation had run in ground state.

Here is the .gjf file for the calculation.




# opt td=(nstates=6,root=1) ub3lyp/6-31g(d)

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0 1

C -0.17167381 -1.15164519 0.00000000

H 0.18498062 -2.16045519 0.00000000

H 0.18499903 -0.64724700 0.87365150

H 0.18499903 -0.64724700 -0.87365150

H -1.24167381 -1.15163201 0.00000000

The .log file tells that the job had terminated normally but the electronic configuration does not give that of S1 state.

My questions are, is this this result reasonable? Or, do I need to add additional keyword to properly run the computation?

I would appreciate if anybody could teach me how to resolve this issue.



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