Please help me understand results of size analysis using WipFrag. Anyone having experience of WipFrag or split desktop please let me know here or through email: [email protected]
Here is the virtual sieving. Differential sieving is shown in red. When summing up all the columns, you get 100%. The blue line represents the cumulative distribution. X-axis dimensions are in logarithmic scale. The data in the window in the upper left corner mean: Cu - Coefficient of Uniformity = D60/D10, a measure of the slope of the cumulative weight % curve between the 60- and 10-percentiles. Dn - Nominal diameter, or equivalent spherical diameter, i.e. the diameter of a sphere with the same volume as that computed for the fragment. D10, D25 etc. - Percentile sizes. For example D10 is the ten-percentile, the value of De for which 10% by weight of the sample is finer and 90% coarser. In terms of sieving, D10 is the size of sieve opening through which 10% by weight of the sample would pass. D50 - The Median or 50-percentile, the value of Dn for which half the sample weight is finer and half coarser. Blocks - Number of net elements detected in the NET image. Max - Maximum size of fragment in the image [Dn (m)]. Mean - Arithmetic mean (average) fragment size, equal to the sum of all equivalent spherical diameters divided by the total number of particles [Dav (m)]. Min - Minimum size of fragment in the image [Dn (m)]. Mode - Most common sized particle, the geometric mean Dn size class interval for the class containing the greatest number of net elements (fragments) [Dn (m)]. N - Rosin-Rammler (and Gaudin-Schuhman) Uniformity Coefficient, equal to the slope of the Rosin-Rammler straight line fitted to the data in log-log coordinates. Sphericity Dn/Ds, the ratio of equivalent spherical diameter to the diameter of a circumscribing sphere (long axis of the fragment). stdev - Standard deviation of fragment size Dav. Xc - Characteristic Size, the intercept of the Rosin-Rammler straight line fitted to the WipFrag Dn data in log-log co-ordinates. This is equivalent to the D63.2. Xmax - Gaudin-Schuhman characteristic size, the intercept of the 100 % passing and the slope of the Gaudin-Schuman straight line. If you have any questions, write to me! Good luck!