02 May 2018 3 2K Report

Hi everbody,

When i did a supercell with carbon impurity, i found an imaginary frequency arising around -5 THZ(ediffg=-0.02, lreal= auto, ediff=1e-8, geometry optimization with isif =2). however, when i relax the structure with isif=4 to reduce ediffg (ediff=1e-8, lreal = .f., ediffg=-0.001), the phono spectrum became sp strange. Can you tell me how to solve it and the reason?

Thanks for your attention and support.

Yidan Wei

Here is the INCAR of geometry optimization.

#Name of system

System = ga2o3 C

#Start parameter

ISTART = 0 #startjob: no WAVECAR file (default)

ICHARG = 2 #charge: from atoms (default)

#Write flags

LWAVE = .F #create WAVECAR

LCHARG = .F #create CHGCAR


NPAR = 8 #parallelization over bands

#Electronic Relaxation 1

ENCUT = 400 #energy cutoff in eV

EDIFF = 1E-7 #accuracy for electronic minimization

PREC = Accurate #precision

NELM = 200 #maximum of 200 electronic steps

NELMIN = 4 #minimum of two steps,P166

LMAXMIX = 4 #fast convergence to the groundstate,4 for d elements

#Electronic Relaxation 2

LREAL = Auto #evaluate projection operators in real space

#Ionic Relaxation

NSW = 200 #number of steps for IOM

IBRION = 2 #CG algorithm

ISIF = 4 #relax ions + volume

EDIFFG = -1E-3 #stopping-criterion for IOM

POTIM = 0.5 #time-step for ion-motion

ISYM = 0 #symmetry

#DOS related values

ISMEAR = 0 #use Gaussian smearing method

SIGMA = 0.1 #tiny smearing width to safely break symmetry

#Exchange-correlation functional


ISPIN = 2 #allow for spin polarisation



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