This is a new thread to pick up the discussion started in the Romney-Bain thread, which seems to have been closed off by RG. I have not been able to see anything new for two days, including my own replies, and apparently Peter at least has been having the same problems.


It's interesting the Marx predicted the final phase of capitalism would be "finance capitalism" -- defined as the subordination of processes of production to the accumulation of money profits in a financial system.

Are we there yet?


Hello Peter. I cannot post to that thread either. I have sent a message to Researchgate, but received no reply. It appears as if that thread may have hit some kind of limit. We should start another one.

Thank you for your reply to my request for clarification. We agree that the Fed should be replaced with a true National Bank of the U.S., and I agree with most if not all of your reasons. (I do not see where it is unconstitutional for the U.S. to issue fiat money. However, I do favor the argument that the Fed itself is an unconstitutional delegation of authority.)

Where we seem to disagree is on the correct course of action. As I have stated, I do not favor a return to the gold standard, see no real problem with fiat money--as long as it is under control of The People, and I also have no problem with fractional reserve banking. It may be that my messages to this effect were lost in the technical problems. Basically, I argue that the defeat of Napoleon by Britain was evidence of the power and efficacy of credit, as Napoleon used only "sound money" and believed, mistakenly, that Britain would become bankrupt because of its reliance on credit.

Anyway, I enjoy your postings and ... who knows? ... maybe we will learn from each other and eventually find some agreement on these issues.

---------Regards, James Sturges

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