When I google the most farthest objects in universe, I found some galaxies like 13.39 billion light years from us, many quasars 13.2 billion light years away.
I understand it like light from these distant objects has taken 13.39 or 13.2 billion years to reach us. So we are looking in past (very near to birth of universe)
As we also know that our universe is 13.82 billion years old or like Big Bang occurred nearly 13.82 billion years ago.
How these objects (like galaxies) existed in such early universes made up of only primary elements.
Another confusion that comes to my mind is: If we are able to look objects those 13.39 billion light years from us and the universe is 13.82 light years old, why cant we observe the big bang going on very far (It must be the most brightest and strongest explosion ever and it must be just beside that farthest galaxy we are currently observing).
Any comments and corrections to above statements is highly appreciated.
Please share your observations.
Thanks and Regards,
Vinay Trivedi
IIT Patna