Originally Gruebler Equation is used calculate the degree of freedom of a planar mechanism, which can be also represented as the power or mobility of a planar mechanism. (http://users.encs.concordia.ca/~nrskumar/Index_files/Mech343/Mobility%20and%20Grashof.pdf. ) Steps:

  • We introduce a new centrality equation that adopt or extended from Gruebler Equation to identify local strength of node on its neighbors.
  • Assuming a node one-hop triangular connection signified it local trustworthiness, so we decomposing the network graph into triangular structure sub-graph for each and every node in the network. node with no triangle connected neighbors becomes irrelevant.
  • Then we treat those one-hop triangular structural sub-graphs as a planner mechanism, by ignoring the mobility property of a planner mechanism, we can apply our improved Gruebler Equation as the qualified ranking of node in a given complex network.
  • To evaluation the equation we used karate club network and USAir97...
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