De hecho ya se han unido: Ciencia, filosofía y religión. El resultado ha sido asombroso: herramientas para ayudar al ser humano (matrimonio, crinza de los hijos, enfermedades, lesiones, etc), herramientas educativas, administrativas y organizativas.
Esa distinción ya está pasada de moda.Más bien debe haber una coordinación en ambas pero la filosofia debe tener el primer mando, por ser la fuente de la ciencia.
1. are we going to fall into a discussion on the right language of culture? in fact ENGLISH is the language of the empire, but if many intelectuals have had to learn the language of the empire, why should not another intellectuals recognize another languages to express important ideas. I invite u Solo Shah to learn spanish, as important a language as english.
2. Mr Alejandro Álvarez says: is the distinction between philosophy and science in force nowadays?
the difference between science and philosophy is bigger than ever. science is becoming mre and more a knowledge's production system like others production systems. if there is a kind of philosophy's mission today is not to become a specific science or not to be a science.