Hey guys

for testing a moderation hypothesis I want to use the process macro made by Hays. I downloaded Processmacro v3.1. from the official website and was able to install it. When using it this error message occured:


ERROR: You have specified an M variable in a model that does not use it.

In this release of PROCESS, moderators are W and Z in models 1, 2, and 3.

ERROR: You are using PROCESS version 2 syntax. Version 3 syntax is

documented in Appendices A and B of www.guilford.com/p/hayes3


From the Processmacro FAQ section I got following information:

Question: I am getting an error message in PROCESS v3 that reads:

ERROR: You have specified an M variable in a model that does not use it. In this release of PROCESS, moderators are W and Z in models 1, 2, and 3.

Answer: You are probably using model templates from version 2 with PROCESS version 3 or otherwise using version 2 syntax, which is now out of date.  Many of the version 2 templates (such as you might find being distributed online through a source other than processmacro.org. Older versions you will find online will have a 2013 copyright date) are not the same as the version 3 templates.  The version 3 templates are available only in the 2nd edition of Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis.  They are not available in electronic form.

-----> But I am sorry, I do not get it. I am using version 3.1. (not 2)... Does anybody have experience with this? Or am I overlooking something imprtant?

After trying all kinds of stuff to solve this, I hope somebody can help :) Thank you in advance!!!

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