What is your preferred reference in English academic writing which you may taught? The book will be helpful if has tips about language and vocabulary structure in academic paper sections and their subsections.
Mahdi Nabavinik, I am including the following books, for your consideration.
Further Education Support Service. (2019). Academic writing handbook for learners. FESS. https://www.fess.ie/images/stories/ResourcesForTutors/AcademicWritingHandbookForLearnersInTheFETSector.pdf
Hartley, J. (2008). Academic writing and publishing: A practical handbook. Routledge. library.navoiy-uni.uz/files/academicwriting.pdf
Norris, C. B. (2016). Academic writing in English. University of Helsinki. https://www2.helsinki.fi/sites/default/files/atoms/files/acadwrit_1.pdf
Zemach, D. E., & Rumiseck, L. A. (2005). Academic writing from paragraph to essay. Macmillan Education. https://library.unmas.ac.id/repository/EBK-00032.pdf
I found this article to be very helpful when writing medical papers, it provides a great outline of the structure of academic articles and their subsections.
A great resource to help graduate students from different disciplines learn about writing academic research papers is this: Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students (3rd ed.) https://www.press.umich.edu/2173936/academic_writing_for_graduate_students_3rd_edition
I've also found this website to be very useful in helping students learn about various genres--including research papers--and how they are organized, the kinds of language functions and moves that are common in them, etc.: http://www.uefap.net/
see this publication published by Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). (PDF) Communicating Science (researchgate.net) it is also on my website ... hope you find this useful.
Some years back I have expressed my views in this respect which I submit herewith for your kind information .
''In this language is in international language for which we can not afford to close our eye .However various countries have their own language ,own method were they would prefer to carry out that programming plan for the welfare of own country /region .But in modern time no country can afford to keeping isolation & as such the knowledge of English language plays & fruitful part .