The scientific assumption is that Spirit is real, yet there is no definition for black holes or the fate of the universe taking this into account... #Anti-Matter @666 (relativity was here)
Your message seems to be a question about the fate of the spirit or the life force energy of a person who dies without any recognition or significance in the world. This is a profound and complex question that has been explored by various religions, philosophies, and sciences throughout history. There is no definitive or universally accepted answer to this question, but there are different views and arguments that try to address it. Some of the main views are:
- Materialism: This view holds that there is nothing beyond the physical world and the physical body. When a person dies, their spirit or life force energy ceases to exist along with their brain and consciousness. There is no afterlife, reincarnation, or continuation of any kind. This view is supported by some scientists and philosophers who believe in the empirical and rational evidence of the natural sciences.
- Dualism: This view holds that there is a distinction between the physical world and the physical body, and the spiritual world and the spiritual body. When a person dies, their spirit or life force energy leaves their physical body and enters a different realm of existence. There may be different levels or stages of this realm, depending on the person's beliefs, actions, and karma. There may also be possibilities of afterlife, reincarnation, or communication with the living. This view is supported by some religions and spiritual traditions that believe in the existence and importance of the soul.
- Monism: This view holds that there is no distinction between the physical world and the physical body, and the spiritual world and the spiritual body. Everything is made of the same substance or essence, which is energy or consciousness. When a person dies, their spirit or life force energy does not leave or enter anything, but simply changes its form or vibration. There may be different modes or expressions of this energy or consciousness, depending on the person's awareness, intention, and evolution. There may also be possibilities of afterlife, reincarnation, or connection with the whole. This view is supported by some philosophies and mystical traditions that believe in the unity and diversity of all things.
These are some of the main views on what happens to a "nobody" when they die, but there are also other views and variations that can be found in the literature. Each view has its advantages and disadvantages, its supporters and critics, its arguments and counterarguments. There is no consensus or resolution on this question, but only ongoing exploration and inquiry.
ERES posits ... in terms of SPRT relativity, energies having an existential Nature define the rights of passage establishing humanity. These are underpinned by layers of defense.
When "upper-echelons"; beginning and in many cases ending here on Earth with "Entities" defining a basis for common-core (water, food, shelter, work, love), cannot agree... a "black hole" assimilates dark matter for the purpose of REJUVENATION - Literal, Figurative, Subjective
definitions of Apocalypse are directly tied to before-cradle and after-grave, where "choices" are made by SUPREMES (living-dead Entities) ~ US
rights of passage and terms of Endearment only apply when you can understand Life on Earth exists due to the Celestial Bodies who have APP_Parently incorporated our ability to survive as a species.
In terms of Energy, as we know, Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. So, "anything", in terms of energy, never dies, it just changes its form from one form to another.
Well for "nothing", we first have to describe what nothing is.
"nothing" can not be observed.
We can term the moment before the big bang as "nothing"; so if that "nothing" dies then it'll still remain nothing.
spirit is contained by a you and I verse = word x "body" + intent (Elemental)
word is dark matter once spoken = it's in the AI.RE (Solar)
body is word once written = book theory (Lunar)
thought defining intent creates matter = to be is to be (Terrestrial)
if everything remembers how it was treated, and a law of escalation defines human interest, then the context of having spirit and nobody is definitional to any immortal reality ~ seems
No one knows, or can know, until they are dead, what happens to their so-called spirit after death; but I am sure that if something 'happens' to anybody, then similar things should happen to everybody, including your so-called "nobody". Whether, as in some religions, people go to a Heaven or Hell similar to those in their religions, or as in other religions, they simply cease to exist, or in other religions, they become some future somebody, but not necessarily even of the same species, appears to be something that only the first of the three possibilities would allow even the dead to "know" or "remember" what did happen. Someday, of course, you and I and everyone else may find out what happens, but it is essentially certain that there will be no way to let anyone still living know. Still, as a religious matter and therefore one based on faith, instead of science, this is almost certainly a question that cannot be answered by any scientific method..
Courtney. why is it you confess science doesn't know everything, but then imply to have a solid-state reason for ignoring people who do have answers? when you use absolutes like no one knows or can know, you look foolish historically. it's like saying what little science does know is all wrong. did the Lord "know" the crowd was GOD? did I say god is all greater than self? what is this hangup of so many like you? is it Atheism? repeat offenders who think killing fish is going to make us healthy?