In our semiconductor fab lab, we are depositing Cr-Pt-Au multi-metallic layers on Si (100) wafer using E-beam deposition instrument. We are using accelerating voltage 6 kV and required current values for Cr, Pt, Au are 10 mA, 130 mA and 280 mA respectively. The vacuum used is in the order of 10-7 mbar in the deposition chamber. Kindly explain why the power requirement for Au deposition is much higher than that of Pt which is much much higher than that of Cr. Is it a simple molten solid to vapor process that is being done by a high energy electron beam in e-beam metallization? But B.P. of Cr, Pt, Au are 2672, 3825 and 2700 degC respectively. Please explain and enlighten me on this aspect.

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