How do you perceive the concepts of Education and Schooling, which is more relevant and why? Are there any misconceptions and do you think people understand the difference?
Education would be more relevant considering that it connotes the formal and informal learning processes. Conceptually, schooling alone may not be enough without learning the things really worth learning. I would say education seems more holistic, theoretically at least.
"образование - единый целенаправленный процесс воспитания и обучения, являющийся общественно значимым благом и осуществляемый в интересах человека, семьи, общества и государства, а также совокупность приобретаемых знаний, умений, навыков, ценностных установок, опыта деятельности и компетенции определенных объема и сложности в целях интеллектуального, духовно-нравственного, творческого, физического и (или) профессионального развития человека, удовлетворения его образовательных потребностей и интересов" (п. 1 ст. 2 Федерального закона "Об образовании в Российской Федерации").
Thank you very much for your input Konstantin M. Golubev. The concept of adaptive learning is indeed the future of education as a whole and in that regard the elearning. Tailoring educational materials and distinguishing the relevance of data through Electronic Know Publishing will certanly aid generations to come. Once again thank you for sharing your paper with us.
Thank you Aparna Sathya Murthy, your formulation is very percise especially as to hoarding degrees through schooling. :) But to some people the hoarding of papers is more important than knowledge itself.
If we go back in the early periods of civilization the purpose of education was focused on the wellbeing of the mind, body, and soul. Education was achieved through military training, sporting events, administrative/social debates, performing arts and music, journeying through nature, and sailing the seas. So sitting in the classroom with a lecturer wasn't just one way to receive an education. Schooling was more industrial as young learners were told to abide by the rules, regulations, and know certain things to pass for the test.
Thank you Ravee Art Phoewhawm, you have given an excellent overview on how education developed from the early days to the present. In the early days home educatipn was present with private tutors who taugh individuals skills you mentioned to the times when first institutions of schooling were created. Thank you on your comment.
To be schooled is to basically go through the process of attending college and receiving a degree, which may or may not imply that the person has the necessary skills and is job-ready despite the book knowledge. An educated person on the other hand has absorbed all the material in the college, connected the dots and realized the connection of theory to practical life and is willing to continue that journey after graduating with a degree.
Dear Srini Vasan, you have grasped the point and established a very clear differentiation between the concept of education and schooling. Thank you once again on your insight.
Schooling also refers to receiving instruction, so it can be a synonym of education. The term education encompasses basically two meanings. They are formal and informal ways of gaining knowledge while schooling stands for the initial and secondary stage of formal education system that take place in school.
Education is the culmination of facts, experiences, and thought that is gained over a lifetime. It is the useful part of learning. Schooling is a formal process generally associated with the institution of education.
Dear Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak, thank you very much on your comment. Your definition of the term education sublimates the essence with both the formal and informal ways of acquiring knowledge, and you differentiate them from schooling. Most people consider schooling as a concept of education through institutions,some even include the tertiary system under schooling. I agree with your stance that schooling should relate to earlier stages of education system. Once again thank you on your insight.
ثمرة التعليم هو غرس حب المعلومة والدرس في نفوس الطلبة وإيصالهم إلى مرحلة التشويق والتفاعل والانسجام مع حلقات العلم وتنمية ميولهم ودوافعهم وطاقاتهم ومواهبهم
For the last ten years, the major focus of the global education community has been on getting children into school. And that effort has been a success: most of the world’s children live in countries on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary completion by 2015. But behind that progress is a problem—one that grows with each additional child that walks through the classroom door. Some children in those classes are learning nothing. Many more are learning a small fraction of the syllabus. They complete primary school unable to read a paragraph, or do simple addition, or tell the time. They are hopelessly ill-equipped for secondary education or almost any formal employment. The crisis of learning is both deep and widespread. It is a crisis for children, too many of whom leave school believing they are failures. And it is a crisis for their communities and countries, because economic analysis suggests it is what workers know—not their time in school—that makes them more productive and their economies more prosperous - Nancy Birdsall President Center for Global Development - ( Lant Pritchett and Rukmini Banerji, chairs Charles Kenny, project director May 2013. PV )
Dear Nazar Alqahwachi, i would like to thank you on a very thorough analysis of the education sector along with all the obstacles that young learners are facing. Education must be a priority in every country and budgets must be created accordingly. Awareness on the importance of education must be formulated from the grassroots and this involves various stakeholders, from teachers, family surrounding to the state and its institutions. The love for learning needs to be nurtured from the preschool years, by a variety of activities which would attract children to reading and exploring according to their age. I agree with you that there is a large percentage of school graduates and dropouts which do not fulfill the minimal requirements of literacy. In Serbia there is only 6-10% of the entire population with tertiary education, and the aim of the state is to increase that number to 30-40% which is a very difficult process. Once again thank you very much on an outstanding analysis and the additional resources you shared with us.
Education would be more relevant considering that it connotes the formal and informal learning processes. Conceptually, schooling alone may not be enough without learning the things really worth learning. I would say education seems more holistic, theoretically at least.
To be educated takes a life time and only end when we leave this world. Schooling is a time spent learning something specific. It begins and ends with an objective.
Perhaps you should start from the very beginning - with literacy. Education cannot be imposed. The success of the training depends entirely on the pupil’s participation. Unfortunately, for many, education is a duty with incomprehensible consequences. In one class, children with completely different attitudes and backgrounds can study. On the other hand, for the state, the need to educate children is an axiom (not requiring proof), unlike many other actions that are accompanied by more or less successful outreach companies. Moreover, modern states, in the vast majority, do not know how to work with illiterate people and do not really understand how illiterate people can be used. Therefore, the state supports the primary school system, in fact, even imposing it. But subjects of schoole system are children who do not have any active civil rights. Can they have responsibilities? Or is it the duty of the parents (as legal representatives of the children) to provide children with school education? But on the other hand, states (especially in developed countries) in every possible way restrict the rights of parents in relation to children (juvenile justice). In my opinion, there is a contradiction here.
Dear Vadim S. Gorshkov, thank you very much for your contribution and the topics you have raised in regards to the issue of literacy, rights and responsibilities of children. These factors are indeed essential and are closely linked to the overall success of education.Education should not be impossed and perceived as a duty, on the contrary youths should be supported so that they enjoy the learning process.
Education process starts in the family and goes on in schools and in life experiences. Schooling happens when we learn things, usually formally. In education we form a human being (character, ethics...); at school we inform him/her (concepts, school subjects...). When we form and inform, we have a more balanced, capable, critical, creative and decent (Boaventura Santos) human being.
You could consider til concept of "bildung" as opposed to the concept of "school". You could read this article "The reciprocal character of self-education" (Cleary & Hogan). The article is based on a talk the German philosopher Gadamer gave on the difference between "bildung" and "school".
Education covers schooling. Education begins in the family or in the immediate surroundings and is then supported by the schooling. Although school life is over, education can continue for life.
How much we hate doesn't mean getting up early for school, or staying up at night to study for tests. All that matters is that education is the most important thing ever. But there were some baseless statements and statements that contributed to forming some of the students' misconceptions. We present the most common myths about the educational system in universities and schools.