Todo o progresso é a nossa base de óleo e, especialmente na agricultura é muito trágico, porque o agricultor já não toca a terra que passa por cima deles sem ele sentia. então a terra nos sentimos mais e nós estamos alienados um do outro. esta alienação leva ao descuido e, assim, a qualidade dos alimentos que comemos e como nos comportamos com a terra
Man kann davon ausgehen, dass es sich bei dieser Frage um die Beziehung zwischen dem Organismus Planet Erde und den Erdbewohnern handelt. Ob nun zu diesen Thema Plankton, Tiere, Windströme, Menschen, CLAW-Teilchen, oder anderes besprochen wird ist nicht relevant, da es sich immer um ein geschlossenes System handelt. Wichtig ist jedoch die gegenseitige Abhängigkeit und das daraus resultierende System welches entsteht sobald sich ein einziger Faktor zu ändern beginnt. Gehen wir davon aus, dass die Erde ein lebendes und fühlendes System / Wesen darstellt dann sollten wir uns bemühen nicht unsere Mikroskope zu schärfen sondern unser soziales Bewusstsein und unsere Verantwortung für unseren Heimatplaneten an erster Stelle zu beurteilen. Das würde jedoch auch bedeuten, dass wir die unbekannten und bisher auch nicht im Zentrum des Interesses stehenden CLAW-Teilchen nicht für etwas verantwortlich machen was der Mensch vielleicht selbst Verursacht hat? Es ist unsere Aufgabe unsere Bemühungen mit Selbstreflexion und Selbstkritik zu füllen und gleichzeitig muss der Mut zur Veränderung wachsen. Hierzu sollte sich jeder aufgerufen fühlen. Da der Mensch in den letzten Jahrtausenden die meisten Veränderungen am System / Wesen Gaia verursacht hat, haben wir auch den größten Auftrag ein Umdenken zu gestalten. Vielleicht sind Vernunft, Achtung und weiser Voraussicht unsere neuen Herausforderungen?
Ich denke das ich einer der Weinigen ist ders auserseit Deutschland noch deutsch versteht. Hoffentlich nehmen is mihr nicht uebel doch auf Enlisch uber zu gehen denn das ist heute die Lingua Franca der Wissenschaft.
Translated: I'd like to continue in the modern-time Latin.
Since this is Researchgate it would be good also to put in some hardcore science of climate change:
Andreae, the A in CLAW, has been a leading figure in the authorative reports of the UN on climate change. Robert (Bob) Charlson was also one of the prominent authors.
This said the CLAW process appears to be of little avail to keep us from warming as the latest literature shows.
FYI I refer to the Intergovernmental Panel for Clmate Change (IPCC). The reports they bring out every 5 years embody the current knowledge and the societal impacts of the climate change that man is causing.
Those reports are freely available on the web and range from hard (basic) science to summaries intended for the politicians, written in a morepopular language.
Dear Mr Harry ten Brink, thanks for your effort reply. My science-English is in bad use but our digital tools are able to translate for these who are interested in it. The information I received from you are very interesting, and it is aware that the individual facts constitute a problem getting along. But for me it sometimes seems that problems are to be crushed into small pieces even they can be of great interest but losing by the way thiere substance.I look forward to study their submitted information, with best regards from Austria thanks again for your patience
The answers lie in Consciousness. It is Universal. Consciousness exists in different states in different levels of matter. 1.In inert mineral matter, consciousness is described as being in the sleeping state. It then evolves to 2. Plants where Consciousness exists in a dream state. 3. It then evolves to animal world where the consciousness is more aware of its surroundings. 4. In man, Consciousness evolves to the "I Exist" level which is absent in animals. There are 3 more higher levels of evolution.
In man, again people belong to many levels of awareness. It is not particularly linked to education but only evolution. At the beginning, man is at a lower state of consciousness and is aware of only himself and his wants. He is purely materialistic and higher sources are denied existence. Later, in the face of surmounting problems, he learns to share and is then ushered into the higher levels of awareness & evolution of Consciousness.
I believe we are still in the primitive stage where higher non-material levels are denied. When solutions to problems are not found, man evolves in awareness and then the holistic, synthesising and all encompassing holistic concepts like Gaia are shown interest.
The question is preceded by an unproven assumption: that the Earth is in a period of rapid climate change. The last 20 years temperature data show no significant warming, and the climatologists are wriggling and squirming to try and obfuscate this inconvenient truth, even to fudging historical temperature records. Geological records indicate climate change is a continuing feature of the Earth's evolution since its formation, and to claim that we humans have subverted the natural course of things and have triggered anthropogenic warming and blame ourselves for a natural phenomenon is nonsense. Take a look at the CO2 curves from Vostok core: the CO2 increase lages temperature increase by a couple of years: CO2 increase appears to be a response to warming, not a cause. When will the climate lies stop being spread?