Hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets (BNNSs) are promising two-dimensional materials to boost the mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical properties of polymer nanocomposites. Yet, BNNS-polymer composites face many challenges to meet the desired properties owing to agglomeration of BNNSs, incompatibility, and weak interactions of BNNSs with the host polymers.
Given the mass barrier properties of 2D nanosheets, the high surface area of BNNSs has the potential to reduce the oxygen and decomposed volatile gas flow within the nanocomposite matrix. Hence, reduced oxygen and decomposed gas flow promote the thermal stability of nanocomposites. On the other hand, the incorporation of BNNSs into polymer materials affects the optical properties of the corresponding composite materials. The main reason for the optical property changes is the light scattered by the BNNSs. The nanosheet size and agglomerates of BNNSs, and the defects formed within the nanocomposites are the source of such light scattering. Different strategies are developed to minimize the light scattering such as distributing the BNNSs uniformly within matrix, developing stronger interphase, and downsizing the BN nanosheet sizes. Such approaches require good control of downsizing BNNSs as well as modification of BNNSs. The surface modification includes functionalizing BNNSs with appropriate functional molecules in order to increase the miscibility of nanosheets into polymer matrix and form chemical bonding between nanocomposite constituents. The other optical properties such as UV and IR-wavelength blocking also require good control of the above-mentioned factors to develop the desired properties into polymer nanocomposites.