Nature of Mind is admittedly one of the perennial problem areas that lie right at the ill-defined border of Physics and Philosophy. But we are not sure whether Mind or Self as well as Consciousness can be seen as a natural phenomenon on an equal footing with   Motion, Propagation of Heat and Light …. and like  , which can be  made sense  within the accepted framework of ‘explanatory ‘ scientific methodology . We don’t even know, whether Mind or consciousness is something that can be captured within the framework of a standard Law-like mechanism.

 In fact, History of development of Physical science - famously within a Cartesian division, remained insensitive to the issue of Mind/consciousness. But it is curious to  note  at the same time  that ,  different epistemological  difficulties  of different orders   surfaced time to time during the developments of Physics during the last Century had been often accepted as reliable  pointers  towards or even key for  the physical explanation of consciousness  ! Epistemological difficulties in Quantum mechanics are well known to have served for a long time as a heuristic embryo to offer some hints for the problem of Mind and consciousness. It is believed by many leading  Physicists ( for example  , Bohm 1980 ; Stapp 1993 ; Penrose 1989 ; Wigner 1961 ) that , the interpretational difficulties in Quantum mechanics have something  to do  with the issues of consciousness .

 However, the Question that matters is fundamentally about what constitutes an explanation of Mind or consciousness. The concept of Supervenience - relation between the two sets of properties, seems to provide a viable framework at least for starting discussion.  If  Mind/ consciousness is taken to be the B-Facts ( one set of properties )pertaining to higher level , for example  , and the Physical facts as A-Facts ( set of properties pertaining to some lower level )   … , the Question is , How much of the Physical facts  can be delineated to confirm  Mind/consciousness as supervenient ?

This is admittedly one of the trickiest Questions to answer. However, the issue is that, the Physical facts are about Dynamic structures of Field and their interactions …, and  these structures can only seem to confirm  further Physical facts of another level ,  though different in order of complexity .. So how about understanding Mind and Consciousness as supervenient out of Physical facts only..!

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