I am not sure about the meaning of your word "interactive architecture". Dose it come from some standard?
If you mean dynamic interactions in system architecture design, it mostly refers to: HOW your system elements interacting together to satisfy a system level (black box level) function.
From my reading taken with the number of reads and answers I think you need to explain your question more fully in order to get a useful answer. Try not using phrases that appear to have a specific meaning but that is not commonly recognised.
Dear Chrisidore, if "interactive architecture" would not involve technological systems, and only how users respond to designed space, then there is not very much to talk about. Additionally, it would make interaction a very one-sided affair (from the user, not so the building). Thus, my answer is, interactive architecture involves technological systems. Yet, the scope of this is so wide that the answer does not tell that much either.
I’m a bit surprised at Henri’s response. There is actually a great deal to talk about in terms users responses to architecture and design. But he is right that it would normally be a one way effect. I do remember Richard Seymour designing what he called a compewter using pewter the case so each one would take on a patina unique to its user. It was of course slightly tongue in cheek.
Interactive systems can sense and respond according to the user input. Technology is needed for doing that, such as sensors, actuators, micro processors so on.
Interaction is one aspect of the human use of space, so all architecture is interactive. However, because "interaction" is a term whose meaning has become linked with digital technology in the last 30 years or so "interactive architecture" is most often a reference to digital computing technology sensing and control systems, as suggested by Hülya Oral's response. It may be included in the fabric of the building as part of the original design, but can also be implemented by the occupant via added furnishings. Such technologies do change the way people use space.
Of course, buildings are themselves a technology ("the practical application of knowledge" -- Merriam-Webster.com), assembled through application of various construction technologies (concrete, shaped timber or steel, hammers, trucks, etc.) and often guided by design technologies (drawings, simulation, etc). Only recently would "technological systems" be a reference to the deployment of digital technology or computational technology, so I encourage you to take a broader view.
When thinking about responsive environments (my terminology preference) you have to consider where the boundary is between "building" and "furnishings", as well as time, and human perception of cause and effect, which together shape our sense of intelligence. A "dumb" application such as temperature recording, in which a networked Arduino might do little more than an old-fashioned paper strip recorder, is not immediately interactive, but might be an important component of a building management system operating over a long time-line. A simple light switch is definitely interactive on a human-sensible time line, and might be remotely controllable, but is not necessarily very smart, even if connected to an occupancy sensor. A bi-metal thermostat enacts a variety of material intelligence that can be quite handy, but is not easily reprogrammed. Automated doors operated by proximity sensors help shoppers in and out of stores. Motion sensors may simply trigger an alarm, or they may be part of a smart occupancy sensor aimed at helping seniors safely age in place.
Brian R Johnson has bring a very broad view to the subject. I agree with the definition of technology, which is changing very fast. Before all these cool stuff, the interactivity of the space was going hand in hand with the adaptive space, which can respond to the changing needs of the user. So, it will be different from now on, also, regarding the discussion of AI. It is useful to limit the scope of the discussion when trying to delve deep into something.