The grass is creeping, with tough stems rooting at nodes and forming a dense turf cushion. I thought it could be Brachiaria but did not get any voucher specimen with semblance in herbaria around. The pictures are attached for your assistance.
Somanath Sahoo, thank you very much for your response. This is not Cynodon dactylon like you though. Cynodon had reduced leaves than this sample and we have much collection of bahama grass in my Herbarium. Please take a close look at the leaves and inflorescence, it may assist better.
do Vale, C. B., and M.S. Pagliarini.2009. Biology, Cytogenetics, and Breeding of Brachiaria. In: Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement. Volume 5, Forage Crops. pp.103-151. edited by R. J. Singh, CRC Press (Taylor& Francis Group).
To me the grass in the picture is Brachiaria eruciformis. You should have included the soil type from where you took the photo. However be rest assured that grass is Brachiaria eruciformis.
I send you a link for 38 specimens of Uruchloa reptans (L.) Stapf. in Paris Herbarium (P) : collectionCode=p&genus=Urochloa&specificEpithet=reptans
The pictures I have in my book specimen looks like Brachiaria, For species identification, I gave you an email address of my friend, Did you contact her? If not, Please email me. ([email protected]),the photographs, I shall send her personally for species confirmation.
I compared the grass with Brachiaria distachya, they looked much alike. But no record of B. distachya existed for Nigeria. I have checked through literature, even those by Hutchinson & Dalziel (Flora of West Tropical Africa) and Nigerian Grasses by Joyce Lowe, but did not find any record for this species.