I want to use Raman spectra to discuss the micro-structure of supercooled water. Does anyone know the lowest temperature of super-cooled water?How can I reach the lowest temperature? Is there any particular consideration? Thanks a lot.
Supercooled water loses its liquid-like behaviour around -40 ºC [1-4].
[1] Osamu Mishima and H. Eugene Stanley, "The relationship between liquid, supercooled and glassy water", Nature, 396, 26 November 1998, 329-335.
[2] José Teixeira, "As anomalias da água a baixa temperatura", Gazeta de Física, 28(1), 2005, 10-16.
[3] H. E. Stanley,, P. Kumar, L. Xu, Z. Yan, M. G. Mazza, S.V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, and F. Mallamace, "The puzzling unsolved mysteries of liquid water: Some recent progress", Physica A, 386, 2007, 729-743.
[4] Francesco Aliotta, Paolo V. Giaquinta, Mikolaj Pochylski, Rosina C. Ponterio, Santi Prestipino, Franz Saija, and Cirino Vasi, "Volume crossover in deeply supercooled water adiabatically freezing under isobaric conditions", The Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 2013, 184504 (6 pp.).
Carlos Araújo Queiroz, Thanks very much! Do you have experience to do some experiment about supercooled water? I know the lowest temperature is in the range of -50 ºC~ -40 ºC, but I doubt whether I can reach the lowest temperature. The second reference is not an English paper. And I can find lots of paper about supercooled water on google scholar. thanks again for your kind answer.
I did my PhD thesis on supercooled water using as experimental techniques Brillouin light scattering and depolarized Rayleigh scattering. Therefore, I had to pass an Ar+ laser beam through the samples, which means that one needs a minimum volume of water to be analyzed. Furthermore, the laser beam could not touch the walls of the glass container. The water to be studied was in a "capillary" tube with an internal diameter of 2 mm and 30 mm long. Using very pure water, I was able to supercool the water down to -20 ºC (minus 20). You can find some details of the experimental setup on the following papers and references therein:
O. Conde, J. Teixeira, P. Papon, J. Chem. Phys. 76(7), 3747 (1982)
Thanks, Olinda Conde, Your paper is helpful for me. I read the experiment sections and the references which you cited in your papers. Maybe I also need a capillary to perform my Raman study. And why the laser can not touch the walls of the capillary ?
Для глубокого переохлаждения воды необходимо максимально устранить влияние готовых центров образования новой фазы(посторонние включения, растворенные газы, трещины и поры сосуда). Их роль становится меньше, если проводить охлаждение быстро. Тогда преобладает гомогенное образование новой фазы и при меньшей температуре.
yes, as Valeriy have just said you will need to have a pure water (or in opposite you will have to have a lot of impurities to achieve the same disturbance of ice formation) in order to avoid crystallization inducements and to reach the glacification temperature of water (to have only gravitational interattraction and Van der Waals forces), and the latter depends on the internal pressure, surface-volume ratio, size of the droplet and electromagnetic interactions, but it seems that it lies somewhere in 230-250K region for living systems, however if you can apply the super-high pressure on it you can reach even 0K where only vibrational and rotational energies remain (all glasses can be seen as very slow moving fluids, since where is no energy barriers to overcome like in the bonded cases, f.e. crystals).