10 October 2018 6 3K Report

I have started programming binary bat algorithm to solve knapsack problem. i have misunderstanding of position concept in binary space :

Vnew= Vold+(Current-Best) * f;

S= 1/ ( 1+Math.exp(-Vnew));

X(t+1) = { 1  S>Rnd  , 0   Rnd>=S)

the velocity updating equation use both position from previous iteration (Current) and global best position (Best). In continuous version of BA, the position is real number but in the binary version, position of bat represented by binary number. In Knapsack Problem it means whether the item is selected or not. In the binary version, transfer function is used to transform velocity from real number to binary number. I'm confused whether the position in BBA is binary or real number ? if binary then the (Current-Best) can only be 1 - 0, 0 - 1, 1 - 1, etc. and if real number then how to get the continous representation if no continous equation to update the position (in original BA, the position updating equation is X(t+1) = X(t) + Vnew

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