I am conducting a cross-cultural analysis, using the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (Murdock & White 2006), in order to determine how common is the use of inebriating plants, mushrooms, and/or beverages in human societies. I have not been able to find information on the use of mind-altering substances (hallucinogens, stimulants, narcotics) among the next African peoples: Lozi, Suku, Tiv, Fon, Tallensi, Luguru, Nkundo Mongo, Banen, Ibo, Ashanti, Wolof, Songhai, Shilluk, Mao, Bogo, Teda. Does anyone know if the traditional use (for religious, medical or secular purposes) of any kind of psychoactive material was ever present in any of these cultures?  And if it is, can you direct me to the corresponding references?

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