I know people routinely carry out Raman spectroscopy analysis of Graphene Oxide powders but in my case I wish to do it for an aqueous suspension of GO.
We often dropcast our aqueous suspension of nanomaterials onto glass slide and focus the microscope of your raman microscope. We have InVia Reninshaw instrument for raman analysis.
in our lab, we had a special kuvette holder, which could be mounted to the objective revolver. but we had to increase the acquisition to very high values (20 sec instead of 0.25 s). maybe horiba or some other manufacturer can deliver you something like this
Thanks to all for giving their valuable suggestions.
The sample available to me is unfortunately not in powder form but it is important to analyse it for Raman before I could proceed. Hence the only way out is to disperse it in a solvent and carry out the analysis.
The Raman spectrometer available to us as of now does not have provisions for a kuvette holder. Hence I'm stuck.
So I'll try it by drop-casting but need to decide the film thickness.
Hmm, you have maybe a regular glas slide, a cover slip and something like plasticine (dough like substance). Maybe you can build a provisorisch chamber an use a highly concentrated GO dispersion (centrifugation). This you can place below the objective, Maybe it works??