I need someone in Europe able to supply SBA-15 in relatively large amounts (up to 1 Kg) at a reasonable price. Due to bureaucracy issues I cannot buy from non-european companies.
I considered buying it from Sigma-Aldrich at first, but they only sell MCM-41 and it's too much expensive. I am looking for some company specialized in preparing this kind of materials, which should hopefully be able to supply pretty large amounts.
I'd rather avoid synthesizing it by myself, it would be the very last chance if I have no alternatives.
Hi Marco...just saw this tread now! We at Glantreo synthesize SBA 15 in large lot sizes at €4.00 per g + shipping ...and we are in EU (Well i think we still are!!!)
Dear Ahsan, eventually we bought SBA-15 from Zecasin, the company suggested by Andrei Rogoza, and it is OK. Anyway, my problem was that I could not buy chemicals from suppliers outside the European Community, but I guess that you might find other non-european companies who sell the material.