A big debate regarding the use of dexmedetomedine caudally or intrathecally because of precautions regarding neurotoxicity in animals! Despite its excellent analgesic properties in human.
yes, it has a very interesting postoperative results...all recent studies support it use as it has neuroprotective effect except a single study in turkie at 2008 .
exmedetomidine dose of 0.5-1 mg / kg epidural / caudal provided in local anesthesia, a reduction in local anesthetic, improves motor blockade without hemodynamic repercussions. I have no experience intrathecal use.
Dexmedetomidine dose of 5-10 mcg add to bupivacaine %/5 in subarachnoid route successfully without any appreciable side effects.reduction in local anesthetic, improves motor blockade. increas analgesic duration and without severe hemodynamic exchenge