In absence of formal empirical studies of the effect of PTAs on MTL, many writers such as Summers, Trupkin, Daniel tend to assert that  regionalism and multilateralism are not  enemies as Krugman, Bhagwati  and many other suspected; regionalism and multilateralism are the two legs on which the world was walking towards global free trade . Most important regional liberalization over the last 60 years (Europe and North America) has been accompanied by multilateral liberalization (Baldwin, 2008). There exists a set of conditions under which an FTA acts, in a limited sense, as a partial building bloc: when the global accord is not feasible under any scenario, a political-welfare improving FTA can be attainable. In this scenario with a large number of FTAs, governments and lobbies maximize their joint welfare (Trupkin, 2010).


Baldwin Richard, June 2008, Big-think regionalism: a critical survey, Working Paper 14056 ,

Trupkin, D. R. (2010). On the Viability of a Multilateral Trade Agreement: A Political-Economy Approach. Journal of Business Strategies, 27(1), 53. Retrieved from Questia.

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