Art falls in pure "Art" category which can be expression of thoughts and concepts through various mediums and in in-numerous expressive presentations. The parameters to gauge an art piece are highly subjective. Sometimes they can be comprehensible sometimes may not be. Though based on theme one can judge the depth of feel in the given piece. The expression through art not necessarily require expertise to appreciate/evaluate.
Whereas design is a mix of aesthetics as well as technical knowledge based on application such as product, furniture, graphic, visual communication design etc. A designed item serves some purpose, conveys concepts, resembles features like technology, time, culture etc. Hence the later has more parameters to review and may require some level of expertise to appreciate/comment/judge/review/rectify them.
clearly, yes, if you, at least, speak of MODER art or CONTEMPORARY Art, where beauty is not an important property any more (or even the more extreme: where beauty is absent or not reasonable category of the artwork any more).
We have published a series of papers that address exactly these issues, e.g.
an essential paper is on the so-called REPEATED EVALUATION TECHNIQUE, where we let people evaluate repeatedly design / art till they start understanding it—this helps a lot to start appreciating original / innovative and ambiguous design and art, e.g.
Carbon, C. C., & Leder, H. (2005). The Repeated Evaluation Technique (RET). A method to measure dynamic effects of innovativeness and attractiveness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19(5), 587-601
Belke, B., Leder, H., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). When challenging art gets liked: Evidences for a dual preference formation process for fluent and non-fluent portraits. PlosOne, 10(8), e0131796. {IF=3.534}
--> here we showed that the easy-to-process is NOT in advantage after deeper elaboration of the work (which means deeper understanding!).
Muth, C., Hesslinger, V. M., & Carbon, C. C. (2015). The appeal of challenge in the perception of art: How ambiguity, solvability of ambiguity and the opportunity for insight affect appreciation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(3), 206-216. {IF=1.787}
--> here we showed that even FULL UNDERSTANDING is NOT needed, but the FEELING of being able to "solve" the ambiguity in an artwork.
Muth, C., Raab, M. H., & Carbon, C. C. (provisional acceptance). Semantic stability is more pleasurable in unstable episodic contexts. On the relevance of perceptual challenge in art appreciation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Muth, C., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). SeIns: Semantic Instability in Art. Art & Perception, 4, 145-184.
--> here we show that AMBIGUOUS paintings are more pleasurable if we do not fully understand the artworks from beginning on.
Probably, the following work is also of interest in this respect:
Haertel, M., & Carbon, C. C. (2014). Is this a “Fettecke” or just a “greasy corner”? About the capability of laypersons to differentiate between art and non-art via object’s originality. i-Perception, 5(7), 602-610
Leder, H., Carbon, C. C., & Ripsas, A. (2006). Entitling art: Influence of title information on understanding and appreciation of paintings. Acta Psychologica, 121(2), 176-198. {IF=2.094}
You can download most papers via our homepage.
All the best, please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further hints,