Researchers led by UCLA’s Lawren Sack found that the accumulation of new growth in forests and other ecosystems responds strongly and directly to climate.
An international research team led by UCLA life scientists has, for the first time, quantified the direct influence of climate on the growth of ecosystems around the globe.
The paper also restores scientific consensus to the fact that record-breaking temperatures and droughts directly affect ecosystems — which was called into question by a 2014 University of Arizona paper in the journal Nature.
The new study, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, was published in the journal Global Change Biology.
Please go through this paper and you find an answer.
Although your projects is not considering the heat wave casualties in India, but I feel casualties and heat wave related guideline of India will help you in your research as wind pattern from Bay of Bengal and Mansoon have significant role in climatic conditions of India as well as Bangladesh.
For one of my project tourism and disaster risk reduction, I am taking account casualties due to heat waves in India. With global temperatures on the rise, the instances of heat wave in India are increasing. The ministry of earth science (India) figures reveals that there were 74 days of severe heatwave on an average between 1961 and 1970. The figure declined to 34 between 1971-1980. Between 1981-1990 and 1991-2000, 45 and 48 severe heat wave days were recorded respectively. However, there was a sharp increase in figures in 2001- 2010 with the number of severe heat wave days peaking to 98. The last decade is one of the warmest ever recorded. Since last year IMD has started issuing heat wave alerts. A heat wave is declared when the temperature crosses 45 degrees Celsius. You will surprise to know that heat waves in the India are turning out to be particularly deadly with over 4,620 recorded deaths caused by the severe weather condition in the last four years. According to the ministry of earth sciences, in 2016, nearly 1,600 people died due to erratic weather conditions, of which 557 casualties were to severe heat wave.
Please find attached Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat-Wave 2016, National Disaster Management Authority , Government of India. I hope you will find it useful
Yes - That WAS the plan originally, Keith was to work on that section. To date, it has not happened. But I remain interested if you track anyone who has done / is s doing / plans to do so. This work needs doing. We, at the Climate and Health Alliance are seeking some funds to run a project along those lines, but still awaiting the philanthropic commitment. Still no NHMRC funds for CC& HH in Aus - now 7 years! Their defense is that they fund mosquitoes - which they do anyway = not nec CC studies, and to my knowledge, certainly not for RCPs