In the 21st century, the teacher is not the bearier of knowledge anymore but rather a kind of motivator and personal coach. The motivation is directly related to the communication skills. The latter can take various forms. There is evena research where they propose that asynchronous communication through the use of e-mail, course Web pages, and the Internet can be adapted in such a way as to not only meet the seven principles of effective teaching but to enhance student outcomes. Without sensitive adaptation, however, such computer technology can actually detract from the educational process. The article is called " Adapting Asynchronous Communication to Meet the Seven Principles of Effective Teaching".
A good teacher ought to have excellent communication skills both oratory and writing skills. Sound communication skills will facilitate in taking the subject matter to the heart of the students. Communication skills should however should also help in simplifying the matter keeping in view the target audience, psychology and may be previous knowledge of the students.
Indeed, having knowledge is one thing; teachers need to make sure that they can deliver that knowledge to students through their superior communication skills.