Consider the advection-diffusion equation ∂/∂t U + ∂/∂x F(U) = ∂/∂x ( D(U) * ∂/∂x U ). I know that on uniform grids we can use central differences to approximate the advection term as

∂/∂x F(U) |_{i} = ( F(U)|_{i+1} - F(U)|_{i-1} ) / Δx + O(Δx^2),

and the diffusion term as

∂/∂x ( D(U) * ∂/∂x U ) |_{i} = ( D(U)|_{i+1} + D(U)|_{i} ) * ( U|_{i+1} - U|_{i} ) / (2 * Δx^2) - ( D(U)|_{i} + D(U)|_{i-1} ) * ( U|_{i} - U|_{i-1} ) / (2 * Δx^2) + O(Δx^2).

I was wondering if we have second order formulas similar to these for a non-uniform grid, where Δx |_{i} is different than Δx |_{i+1}. I found some works for the advection term, but none for the diffusion one. Is it even possible? Would you provide references? Thank you!

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