Right to food should be a basic human right! The right to food, and its non variations, is a human right protecting the right for people to feed themselves in dignity, implying that sufficient food is available, that people have the means to access it, and that it adequately meets the individual's dietary needs. Unfortunately, you cannot buy food nowadays if you do not have money!
Countries that have signed the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights committed themselves to fulfill, protect and promote the right to food as a human right. I never heard about a "right to buy food".
The United States supports the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living, including food, as recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United States, however, is not a party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Whoever wants to read more about this right can consult: http://www.fao.org/3/a-y7937e.pdf
The phrase “right to food” is totally unclear. It is like “right to power” and “right to education” and “right to health”.
It sounds great but without some mechanism or protocol for enforcement and accountability, all these great sounding phrases are meaningless and useless.
Bottom line: if governments do not respect and enforcement these rights in a timely fashion, what is the use? I may have a “right to food” but I am still hungry and starving.