No, They don’t have access to the preferred seed varietals (often).
1. There are not clear relation between between breeders and farmers.
2. Preferred seeds are expensive and sometimes they are fake.
3. Farmers buy the seeds that merchants or markets are selling. Merchants import the seeds with high economic benefit and sometimes low quality or expired time (Past date) .
I hate to say that I was worried that the companies would want to make money on the seeds by charging more that the farmers can pay. It is disgusting that fake seeds would be sold. This is something that the United Nations or a Global group should be investigating and challenging. The world only benefits when the poor are allowed to prosper.
Samir M. Ismail I do not agree. Farmers are hard working and often have feel for the land that they may not be able to express. They do the best they can but too often farmers are exploited and berated instead of supported. I do not mean cossetted. I mean given a fair chance to succeed and thrive.